The first weekend of March was Time out for Woman in
Spokane. For Christmas last
year I gave both my parents coupons. My
mom's coupons was a ticket for the event.
And my Dad's coupon was a weekend where he got to watch all 3 of my kids
by himself. Well, it turned out that not
only did Dad get to watch my kids, but we added 2 more!! Sweet Kjersti came up for a week, and so did
Josett and her kids. So we all got to spend the
weekend together with our sweet mommy, while dad watch 5 kids all weekend.
Aunt Kelly and Taraka came as well, so it was truly a family filled
weekend. Time our for Woman really was a great weekend. It was so nice to be spiritually uplifted challenged to be better. We also had a baby shower for Kjersti. I made her some oneise and a quilt using grandma squares. And no-one believed I made it!!
While I was there I also gave my Dad his late birthday present. First I made him a batch of butterscotch cookies and a blackberry pie. Then I have him a manila envelop with a game inside called, Can you Guess What is What? Mom read the directions as Dad followed them. He was to first put us daughters in order, then kiss us all, then we kissed him, then he rubbed his belly, then we rubbed our bellies, the directions then had sweet dad do random things like jump, back, stand on one foot ect. Finally he was directed to open the envelop and match each card to a daughter (the cards being 7 weeks, 17 weeks, 27 weeks). And you should have seen his face! My dad was so excited when he say the 7 week card. Everyone thought we were still waiting, so it was a big surprise. Josett and KJ were super excited too. We are all going to have babies so close together. Then to make the story even better, Alena e-mailed me to say she is due on Oct 21. So sweet mommy will be very busy with Grandbabies this year!!
And I took the final picture that announces our new baby....