The Kanooth Adventures

The Kanooth Adventures

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Birth of Eli Part 1

It is Thursday, November 7th, 2013. Leif is out of town doing interviews in Idaho.  I have hit my 35 week mark and am feeling great.  The C-section is scheduled for November 18th, so I still have one week to get ready.  My parents are coming into town to help out with the delivery and to watch the twins.  I am feeling great and am excite to finally have a "normal delivery". 
Since Leif is out of town, I plan a "girls night" to make picture boards.  All the girls stay till around 11:00 p.m.  After they leave, I decide to clean my house and read till late.  Micah comes in my room, so I stop reading and we fall asleep together.  At 3:00 a.m my sleep is awoken.  It is awoken by a gush of water running down my leg!!
  I try to tell myself it is just a lot of pee. But I know the truth.  I call Leif, but what can he do all the way across the United States?  He tells me to go to the hospital, and that he loves me.  I pack a bag and head out the front door.  Then I remember that I have 2 babies inside.  But it's 3 a.m.!!! I call my single neighbors.  They don't answers.  I climb the stairs and bang on their door.   They come and very willing to watch the twins through the night and into the next day.  They offer to drive me, but since I still haven't had a single contraction I drive myself to the hospital.
Yes, that is right... I drive myself to the hospital.  I check myself in.  They monitor the baby and put me on IV's.  I am told that I will have a C-Section the next morning at 9:30, and to get some rest.  Everything is happening too fast.  I cry.  I don't want to do this alone.  I want my husband next to me.  It wasn't supposed to be this way.  This was going to be my "normal delivery." 
A sweet nurse comes in and sees me crying.  She puts her hand on my leg and tells me that the doctors and nurses will look after me. Her words are comforting, but I still feel alone.  The nurse then tells me to call a friend.  I take her advice.
In the morning I call some friends.  Word gets around fast and soon there is a knock at my door.  My good friend Jefra came to keep me company.  The C-Section time is changed to 3:00, and Jefra's visit keeps my mind off the surgery. Another friend, Elisabeth, comes around 2.  Elisabeth goes with me into the operation room and holds my hand.  Her presents gives me comfort.  She is there for the birth of my son.  Eli Paul Kanooth comes into this world at 3:30 p.m. 

1 comment:

  1. what a story! so glad you are both doing well! and I can't believe you drove yourself to the hospital...crazy lady, although I would have probably done the same thing :)
