The Kanooth Adventures

The Kanooth Adventures

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Things Savannah Has Said

I just got done telling Savannah that we are going to take a family vacation to Savannah, Georgia where we will stay in a hotel.

Savannah then replied, "Then we will go to Micah and stay in hotel?"

I was explaining to Micah that he needed to wear his seatbelt so he wouldn't die.

Savannah interrupted by saying, "He will then come back alive because of Jesus."

I picked Savannah up from Sunbeams and her teachers told me that she didn't talk during the WHOLE class period.  I asked Savannah about it in the car.

Savannah replied, "I was shy today."

Savannah & Micah were in the bath.  I had Eli ready to get in the tub with them as one of the twins normally holds Eli while I wash him.  So I say, "Savannah are you ready to hold Eli?"

Savannah answers, "No Mom I busy right now."

She was just playing with her ducks!!  But after she organized her ducks on the soap holder she turns to me and says, "OK I'm not busy anymore."

We are getting ready to go to cub scouts and out of the blue Savannah says, "Mommy I like William."

William is one of our 9 year old scouts!!  Not this soon!!!!

We are ready a book on space where it talks about gravity.  Savannah is quite and you can tell she is thinking.  She then looks up at me and asks, "Is their gravity in Idaho?"

We are at Costco and standing in line for pictures.  There are huge TV's behind us with skiers who are skiing down the slops.  Savannah gets excited and says, "Look Mom, it's Idaho!"

Savannah is holding Eli in the tub.  Eli is facing her so I can wash his back.  Eli starts to suck Savannah's arm.  She looks at Eli and says to him, "Eli, I don't have any milk!"

Micah is telling Savannah that she is a princess.  She gets all upset and responds back, "I is nothing!"


We are eating dinner.  I give the kids some chicken soup.  Savannah takes a bite. 
I ask, "Is it hot or cold?"
Her replay, "It's warm Mommy, so I can eat it."


1 comment:

  1. Such precious moments! I forget what that's like....I miss those days! Although we are now onto made-up handshakes and hip-bumping moves....that's pretty funny to watch ;-)
    Love you guys!
