My parents, Josett & Scott, and us went on a "Fun for Less Tour" to the Book of Mormon Lands. It was a packed 10 days of touring Mayan Ruins, museums, and historical sites. We had an educator on our bus who "educated" us about these sites and how they related to The Book of Mormon. On our first day together, we were sitting outside the Anthropology Museum which explains the cultures of Mexico and our educator said the following quote,
"When Joseph Smith received the plates he got down on his knees before the Lord and said, "O God what will the world say?" And the voice of God came to him. "Fear not, I will cause the earth to testify the truth of these things."
Our whole tour was evidence "from the earth" that The Book of Mormon is true.
This trip truly was amazing. We flew to Mexico City, saw museums and ruins. Then we flew to Villahermosa and saw more museum and ruins. After that we boarded long boats and cruised down the Usumacinta River entering into Guatemala. In Guatemala we saw more ruins, visited the temple, shopped, cruised Lake Atitlan and ate at some amazing recusants. In all we toured 8 days, visited 2 countries, listened to many lectured, ate amazing foods, stayed in 3 amazing hotels, and saw the ruins of Palenque, Tikal, Yaxchilan and Kaminal Juyu.
This trip provided and opportunity for me to bond with my parents and sister. This trip reaffirmed my testimony about the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon. I have always believed The Book of Mormon was true. My testimony stated at a young age, because of my parents. But seeing these ruins and artifacts enhance what I already knew to be true. The scriptures came alive to me. I can now envision the Lamonites and Nephites stories. My passion for the scriptures have come alive.
What a blessing it was for Leif & I to go on this tour with such wonderful people. It was so nice to spiritual bond with my parents, Josett & Scott.
What a blessing it was for Leif & I to go on this tour with such wonderful people. It was so nice to spiritual bond with my parents, Josett & Scott.