The Kanooth Adventures

The Kanooth Adventures

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Why it's fun to be a twin???

It's fun to be a twin because you always have someone to "help" you be mischievous.  It makes pouring a WHOLE bottle of baby power in your room more fun.  
 It's fun to be a twin because you always have someone to sleep with.  And sharing one toddler bed together is way better then sleeping alone.
It's fun to be a twin because you always have someone to play with.  When Mommy tries to play with you, she is sometimes rejected and told to "go away."

First Dr. Appointment

Today is May 10, 2013 and my birthday.  It was a very special birthday because I had my first Dr. appointment and had an ultrasound.  It was so comforting to see my baby.  I was overjoyed to hear my baby's heart-beat and see that it is growing.  It was the best birthday gift ever.  
 On a side not, the ultrasound also showed that I have a subchorionic hematoma.  That is a really big world for saying that I have a blood clot between the pregnancy membranes and the wall of the uterus.  It should go away completely by 20 weeks if I take it easy.  So the doctor put me on "pelvic rest".  She gave me instructions to not lift anything over 20 pounds, I can't work-out, can't have intercourse, and can't strain myself in any way.  So in other words, I get to "relax and be lazy" for 2 more weeks.  If it doesn't get smaller in 2 weeks then I will continue on pelvic rest till 20 weeks.  Everyone pray for our little baby.

My Pre-Birthday

I turned 31 years old on May 10th.  I used to think 30's were so old.  Now I am realizing that it is the best time of your life.  I feel great... not old!! 
Leif had to work on my birthday so we celebrated it one day early.  He took the twins shopping in the morning for birthday gifts.  He had the twins make cards for me.  He make a cake for me.  And he took us all out for dinner and ice-cream.  It was a very nice relaxing day.  I love my family.

Here the kids are holding up the nail-polish they bought for me.