The Kanooth Adventures

The Kanooth Adventures

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

School pictures

I can't believe how big my baby twins are getting.  It feels like just yesterday I was being 4 pound babies home for the hospital.  Now I have little kindergarteners who are not only big, but so sweet and smart.  These two little people light up my life.  They make me so happy each and every day. Here are a few examples of why I love them so much.
Micah has turned into a real boy.  He still loves his Mommy, but wants to be tough about certain things.  We were riding our scooters to school and Micah started going super fast.  I watched and he went over a curb, having his wheel hit some rocks and then saw his body fly into the air.  He landed hard.  I was ready to run over and cuddle by boy.  But as soon as he fell, he was up again and yelled, "That was AMAZING!"  We all laughed.
Together our family was hiking at Hell's Gate.  I could tell that Micah was getting tired.  So I put out my hand and offered it to him.  Micah looked at my hand, looked down the trail and then said, "No thanks.. .I'm WAY O.K."
We had a big wind storm in our valley.  Our neighbor's blinds on their window blew all over the side of their yard.  Micah told me that he wanted to help pick up trash from the storm, and commented that our neighbor had trash in their yard.  He asked me if he could pick it up for them.  Of course I said, "yes".  And within minutes sweet Micah was out there with a bag picking up our neighbors broken blinds.  

Savannah has a pure heart.  She is always thinking of others and Jesus.  I was fasting and Savannah found me in my room praying.  She asked me why I was praying.  So I took the opportunity and explained to Savannah about fast offerings and how we give money to others who don't have food.  She though about this and then disappeared downstairs.  The next time I saw Savannah, she was holding 4 cans of beans!  She went on to tell me that she wanted to gives these beans to our poor neighbors so they could have food!  She was so set on giving these beans away, I couldn't stop her.  So I watched as Savannah marched over to Celia's home and handed her 4 cans of beans! 
Micah had a cough and it was bad enough that he wasn't going to go to school.  I told Savannah that she was going to have to go to school all by herself.  She cried, gave reasons why she should stay home, cried some more, then quietly went into her bedroom.  Minutes later she came out of her room and said, "Mom you can get Micah ready for school now.  I just said a prayer that Micah would be all better." 
Now I understand what childlike faith is.  This sweet little girl was 100% sure that her prayer would make her brother whole.  I had to explain that sometimes prayers take time.  By the end of the day, Micah was feeling a lot better.  I then got to show Savannah that her prayer, did help. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

September 2015

September was a month of routine.  I have never been a routine mom, but now I have kids in school.  I'm now the mom that leaves at 8:30 a.m and then sits in the car line after school at 3:00.  It has been a real change for me, but one I am excited for. The twins are in the same classroom, and their teacher is Mrs. Pettiejohn.  I feel totally comfortable with her teaching my kids.
During the 2nd week of school, we pulled the twins out of school.  Yes, I'm that mom.  And then we headed over to Washougal for a trip at Grandma and Papa Kanooth's. We hadn't been to Washougal since last Christmas so a trip was most defiantly needed.  We got there late Tuesday night.  Wednesday we went downtown Washougal and Camas to walk around and see the changing cities.  Thursday we spent most the morning on a tour at the Pendleton Mill. It was really interest to see how wool is processed.  Then the kids were given a Wooly Worm, which they now love.  That afternoon we headed up to Portland. Aunt Sherrie watched our kids while Leif and I went to the temple.  Sherrie then had dinner ready for us afterwards.  It was a nice afternoon.  Friday we were on a hike around Round Lake.  It was an awesome hike.  Eli almost walked the whole way.  Then all the cousins came over for dinner.  Leif and Mat went to the Washougal High School Football Game!!  And on Saturday morning we headed back home.  We did make one stop at Whitman Mission.  After our visit there Savannah turned to me and said, "Our missionaries should never teach Indians again."

It was color week at school and each day the twins had to wear a certain color.  They ate strawberries on red day, blueberries on blue day, bananas on yellow day, and mixed yellow & blue frosting on green day.  It was a fun week for them.

Grandma & Papa Maughan came into town from Sept. 18-20.  It was the weekend of the "Lewiston Roundup".  Grandma didn't disappoint as she brought cow-boy hats and vests for all the kids.  She even got Savannah a little cowboy purse.  We looked like true born cowboys!!  The rodeo was a lot of fun. They opened with a prayer and prayed for all the riders safety.  I thought that was really neat.

Then on Saturday we went to the Rodeo Parade. Again, we saw lots of horses and got lots of candy.  Before the parade we made flutes at the art museum and after the parade we made rain catchers at the library.  Now all these creations have become swards.
But our day didn't end there!!!  Dallin H. Oaks came to Lewiston of our Stake Conference.  So my parents and I went to the adult session and had the opportunity to shake his hand.  Then on Sunday Micah shook his hand.  Savannah was going to shake Dallin's hand but she wouldn't let go of her car toys.  So, Dallin smiled at her and moved on.  It was a great conference and my love for the living apostles grew.   It was also fun to hear all of my friends personal experiences with Elder Oaks.

And in other news.  We got to go the Lewiston Fair and be a "preschool".  I sure love my friends that I have made here.  I am so blessed to live around such wonderful-good-people.  The kids are growing up, and getting big.  I sure to love being their mother.  I'm so blessed to stay home with them each day.