The Kanooth Adventures

The Kanooth Adventures

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Eli is one!!!

I can't believe that my baby is one years old.  Wow!!!  He is so big.  For his birthday we had a picnic in the park and then had a nice family picnic.  Eli had a birthday crown and shirt to wear all day.  And he wore it with a smile.  Micah and Savannah were so excited because they made and decorated the cake.  They also picked out a present for their brother.  Savannah got him a drum with musical instruments, and Micah got him some cars.  As soon as they were opened the twins were on the floor playing.  It was a special day for everyone. I sure do love my little guy.  I am so blessed to be his mother.  
It's a birthday boy!!!

helping make his own cake.


  1. Happy birthday to Eli! I love seeing pictures of your sweet family!

  2. Wow, everyone is looking so big! I love Savannah's haircut. I really like the pictures of the kids flying in the air! It's crazy to think that just a year ago how different our lives were!
