My babies aren't babies anymore. They turned 3 on May 26th. It is hard to believe that my babies aren't really babies anymore. Their Aunt Lairen came to visit on their birthdays BUT they were both sick (or getting sick). Little Savannah had soars on her tongue and couldn't eat anything. Her temperature was high and she only wanted to be held. Micah got sick the very next day, so we had to cancel their friend birthday party. They real birthday consisted of opening their presents, singing Happy Birthday, and going to bed. Good thing they didn't did have any expectations.
The next Sunday at Nursery the twins' had another little party. We brought in cupcakes and they opened a present from Sister Ross. Their nursery leader took some really cute pictures and sent them to me. I am glade they got some special time in Nursery.
what?! They are 3?! Crazy... such cuties!