The Kanooth Adventures

The Kanooth Adventures

Monday, February 22, 2016

January 2016

January or January I can't believe you are here again.  Life just keeps on trucking, and another year is upon us.  Happy New Years!!!  I do love January.  It's a new start and a new chance.  I love making New Years Resolutions and filling up a blank calendar with events.  My 2016 new years resolution is to read the WHOLE Ensign Magazine each month. We pay to get both The Friend and Ensign and I never read it through. So starting now, I was to appreciate these magazines more.

January 1st was celebrated in Spokane at First Night with my dear mother, Mat and Daryn.   We watched some cheesy shows and watched mommy fall asleep.  Sweet Mommy is so talented at sleeping anywhere and anytime.  On New Years we also drove back to Clarkston so Leif could work and the kids could start school.

January 3rd was little Kaden's birthday.  He would have been 7 this year.  Our tradition has become making Kaden an animal cake, and watching his baby video.  We make him a dog cake this year.  We bought some balloons and toys at the dollar store and then had a small birthday party.  I sure do love my little Kaden and am thankful that he can still be apart of our lives.  The kids know they have an older brother and talk about him so openly, it nice.

The rest of the month was filled with our everyday activities.  Leif works 7 days on, then 7 days off.  On his days on, we wait for Daddy to come home around 7:00 p.m.  We sing, "I'm so Glad when Daddy Comes Home" and then spend one hour together.  Normally we read, talk and cuddle each other.  On his days off he gets to play with Eli and I at home.  We try to always do something fun with Daddy.  But sometimes that fun thing, is going grocery shopping and playing racquetball.
 I have been subbing randomly for the Clarkston School District.  Lately, I have been subbing 1-2 times a week, and always at Parkway.  It has been so fun to eat lunch with the twins and then watch them during recess.  I have also been running with Dale Simmons once a week.  He is home-schooled and trying to train for track.  I have really been enjoying our run.  This has forced me to research running techniques and training schedules
Since it has been so cold outside, we have been trying to find ways to entertain ourselves indoors.  Crafting, library, dressing up, movies, the gym, and Burger King have become some of our favorite spots. We love our friends here and look forward to a full year.


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