The Kanooth Adventures

The Kanooth Adventures

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Birth of Eli Part 2

Eli is born at 35 weeks 5 days and weighs 6 lbs 3 oz.  After the surgery he is taken to the nursery and they find him healthy and happy.  He is brought to me in the recovery room to nurse.  He does great and therefore get to stay with mommy.  My baby boy is healthy!!  I am so happy!  I will get to take Eil home with me.  This is the best news ever.
Elisabeth,and I go back to my room.  Eli goes to get his first bath.  I am dizzy.  I feel like sleeping.  The walls are turning.  They had to give me more medication during the operation then expected.  But I know I can sleep it off and that my baby will be coming home with me.
My sweet neighbors, Kacie and Sara, bring the twins by to see Eli and me.  Savannah's first questions is, "Mommy where is your tummy?".  They are interested in my tummy band-aid, my socks, and my hospital gown.  They don't stay long.  I can't keep my eyes open.  So they go to the nursery and get to see brother for the first time.
I then say good-bye to everyone and sleep.  But you really don't sleep in hospitals because there is a nurse in your room every 3 hours.  And now I have a little baby to nurse every 2 hours.  But Eli and I make it through the night.  We bond together.    

Saturday comes and I am feeling better.  Eli is a wonderful baby, I love him already.  I could hold him all day.  Together Eli and I are excited to see our family.  The twins are now with our adapted Grandparents (Bob and Becky).  They will come visit us after picking up Leif from the airport. 
At 6:00 p.m there is a knock on our door.  Leif walks in with the twins.  Micah and Savannah are both so so excited to see baby Eli in "real life".  Savannah asks to see his feet, his hands, his legs, and his tummy.  She comments that he can't walk or crawl.  Micah is all smiles and want to hold Eli.  Both kids brought Eli a present from the store (Becky let them each pick one out).  And they want Eli to "play" with his toys.
Leif is natural holding Eli.  Eli looks just like his Dad.  It is good to finally see my husband.  All the worries and tears from the day before are forever gone.  We have only been a family of 5 for less then a day, but it feels right.  I love my family. 


 Sunday is a special day.  Leif come to the hospital and spends the day with just Eli and I.  We get to enjoy our new son together.  It is a precious time.  We look at the little miracle we created and fall in love with him.  The day goes by fast. 

Monday we take our baby home from the hospital.  We love our little son. We love our little family. 


  1. (sniff, sniff, wipe a tear) happy for your guys, beautiful family of 5!!! So badly wish I could have been there to help, thank goodness for friends, neighbors, and the church
    Love ya!

  2. ahh Rachel, I had no idea about your delivery of Eli! I am so glad that he is healthy and strong and that everything went well! So happy for you! I remember when you brought the twins home and how tiny they were. I remember when Leif was so busy with school that you would come knock on my door which was 3 feet away and have me help you give them baths. Such good times! miss you and your family!
