The Kanooth Adventures

The Kanooth Adventures

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Things I am Thankful For

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and everyone is rushing around getting ready for the big dinner.  Because of all the cooking, eating, and shopping it's easy to forget about the True Thanksgiving.  I therefore wanted to take a break from "everything" and give thanks.

I am thankful for..... my earthly family.  I love my husband, twins, and little baby Eli.  It is amazing how a new baby in the home makes you realize how important family is.  I am so thankful that for the time we get to spend together.

I am thankful for.... my parents, siblings, and in-laws.  It was so nice to have my parents here visiting us.  I love being with them, talking with them, and being told I look like my mom.   My siblings are all such wonderful people and I am excited to move closer to them.  And I couldn't have asked for better in-laws.  Family is so important in life.

I am thankful for.... The Gospel of Jesus-Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Yes, I was raised in the Mormon Church, but I have gained my own testimony that the church is true and is the only true church upon the earth.  I am so happy to be a member.  It makes me who I am today.

I am thankful for.... my Savior.  I know that Christ loves me.  I am never alone because I can pray to Him anytime.  Christ knows me.  He listens to my prayers.  He gives me comfort.  He died for me.  And because of Him, I can be resurrected and live again eternally.

I am thankful for.... my body.  It works.  I can run, bike, jump, swim, and do all other athletic things.  I can grow a child and then feed him.  I feel good.  I am healthy.  I am so thankful for my healthy body.

I am thankful for.... past experiences.  Together Leif and I have lived in the Northwest, Midwest, and Florida.  We have meet wonderful people and experienced much of the United States.  We have been fortunate enough to take vacations and cruises.  I am so thankful for all memories we have made.

I am thankful for.... books.  Reading has become a new hobby of mine.  I love getting hooked into a book and escaping into another world.  Historical books are my new favorite, so I can learn as I read.  And every day I read my scriptures.  Scriptures give me so much comfort and peace.

I am thankful that.... Leif and I are moving to Lewiston.  We are excited to start our "real life" and be settled.  I am thankful that Leif got a good job... in a nice town...close to family.  I am thankful for the life ahead of us.         

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